
If you have images or videos you would like to share with Jeff's family, however cannot or do not want to post publicly, please send them to me.

Falls Ihr Bilder oder Videos mit Jeffs Familie teilen möchtet, jedoch diese nicht öffentlich posten könnt oder wollt, sendet mir diese gerne per Mail zu.

Liebe Familie Alpert, es ist schwer die richtigen Worte zu finden, wo Fassungslosigkeit besteht. Als wir die traurige Nachricht gelesen haben, war und ist es immer noch unbegreiflich, dass so ein beeindruckend toller Mensch viel zu früh gehen musste und eine so große Lücke hinterlässt. Am Christianeum war er bei den Schülern unbeschreibbar beliebt. Auf dem Brassbandkonzert am 02.06.22 war es als Elternteil, ohne ihn näher gekannt zu haben, eine Freude, ihn mit seiner so positiven Ausstrahlung, Begeisterung und Hingabe erleben zu dürfen, voll und ganz auf Augenhöhe mit den Schülern. Die gegenseitige Wertschätzung war sehr beeindruckend offensichtlich. Er erschien mehr Freund als Pädagoge. Auch wir wurden bei der Einschulung unserer Tochter am Christianeum von der Brassband vor dem Eingang sofort in den Bann gezogen und erinnern uns noch sehr gut an diesen Tag. Wir wünschen Ihnen von Herzen alles erdenklich Gute und viel Kraft. Beim Weihnachtskonzert im Michel haben wir eine Kerze für Sie, liebe Familie Alpert, angezündet. Fam. Finze

– Familie Finze  (16. December 2024 23:50)

This picture was taken at the Celebration of Jeff's Life on Dec 14, 2024. It captures my two worlds that could not be different. Our family picture on top shows how happy we were. Below David Friedman plays a solo and I am standing there with tears because I am realizing that I will not hear Jeff's vibraphone again after this. It was a beautiful event with lots of appreciation for Jeff, this wonderful man, and live music. He would have liked it.

– Nicola  (15. December 2024 22:54)

Jeff with his beloved dog Gurdjieff in front of the school we attended in the 1970's, Lewis Wadhams. It was our first visit back in many years. Color infrared film gives the photo reverse colors. Aug. 1990.

– Adam Scher  (15. December 2024 00:18)

Jeff taking in the waters at Split Rock Falls. It had been about 15 years since we had last swam there. Aug. 1990.

– Adam Scher  (15. December 2024 00:18)

Thinking of Jeff. I wish I could have made it to Hamburg to celebrate his life with his friends and family today, but I am there in spirit. Here are a few more photos to share. These are from Aug. 1990. He was living in Stowe Vermont at the time and he and I and several other of our school friends from the 1970's met up at our favorite swimming hole called Split Rock Falls in the Adirondacks.

– Adam Scher  (15. December 2024 00:17)

– Anonymous  (07. December 2024 20:36)

– Anonymous  (07. December 2024 20:35)

I always admired my cousin Jeff. I was the same age as Jeff and when I was a teenager, I went with my parents to New York City on several occasions to see Jeff perform. I was so impressed that someone our age could perform in such famous places - and in a tuxedo! We had good times down in Florida when we stayed together with our grandparents. There was plenty of goofing around and lots of laughing with Jeff. Once, when we were about 18, our Grandpa Oscar trusted us to drive his Mercedes 1,300 miles from New York to Florida. It was way before GPS, but we figured it out and had fun doing it. On another occasion we met down in Fort Lauderdale for college spring break with no plan for where to stay or what to do for food. When we were hungry, I remember following Jeff through a fancy hotel lobby and into a beautiful complimentary buffet. I had no idea how he knew where to find it, but he did. Jeff seemed to know how to figure things out. Many years later when he and Nicola came to visit us at our house in Connecticut with Colin and Justin, I remember how happy and together their family was. It was wonderful to see. I am so sorry for Nicola, Colin, Justin and the rest of the family. We will miss you, Jeff.

– Mark Alpert  (07. December 2024 20:35)

This photo was taken at a family party in Connecticut, maybe when Jeff was in highschool? Jeff was my cousin, and our families spent most of our holidays together back then. Most of my fond memories however are from times we spent together in Boston. Both Jeff and I went to college there. Jeff was studying music and I was studying art. Steve (now my husband) and I attended Jeff's graduation with our grandparents Anne and Oscar. Steve and I also stayed with Jeff when we were no longer living there and needed a place to spend the night. In more recent years we connected again through Instagram, with Jeff sending me birthday wishes out of the blue! When February rolls around each year I will always think of him!

– Anonymous  (06. December 2024 21:52)

– Liz Alpert Fay  (06. December 2024 21:36)

Es ist für mich noch immer unfassbar, dass du Jeff nicht mehr unter uns bist. Wir haben mehrere Jahre unsere spirituelle Suche geteilt und vieles Gemeinsames gefunden. Du warst mir dabei eine große Unterstützung, wir haben viel zusammen meditiert und der Tiefe des Lebens im Dialog nachgespürt. Ich werde deine Wärme, dein Dasein nie vergessen. Dir Nicola und auch euch Collin und Justin schicke ich meine herzliche Anteilnahme!

– Marlene Potthoff, aus Hannover, jetzt Frankfurt.  (27. November 2024 20:58)

Lieber Jeff, im Oktober 2019 hast Du unseren Alumni-Chor nach Rom und dort an der Pauke begleitet. Es waren sonnige, frohe Tage mit unvergesslichen Auftritten im Petersdom und in Santa Maria Dell‘Anima. Deine freundliche Gelassenheit und Wärme hat wohl vielen die Aufregung genommen. Wo Du in der Nähe warst, konnte man sich getragen fühlen. Wir danken Dir von Herzen für Deine Musik und Deine Menschlichkeit. Im Januar dieses Jahres habt Ihr Eure Silberhochzeit gefeiert, ein wunderbares Fest mit - natürlich - viel selbstgemachter Musik. Nun bist Du fort, und es gibt kaum Worte, die trösten können. In Gedanken sind wir bei Nicola, Collin und Justin und hoffen, dass ihnen die liebevollen Erinnerungen so vieler Menschen, die Dich erleben durften, Kraft geben können.

– Birte Lindlahr  (25. November 2024 09:57)

Hallo Jeff! Ich versteh die Welt nicht mehr! wenn ich bei Euch zu Besuch komme, dann sagst Du nicht mehr Hi Jaco! Du sitzt nicht mehr in Deiner Sofaecke, lächelst mich an und streckst die Hand nach mir aus - deine Menschen sind jetzt immer so traurig, denn ich habe gehört daß Du auf die andere Seite gegangen bist ich finde das auch nicht so gut, denn Du warst mein großer Freund der mit mir Ball gespielt und getobt hat meistens in unserem Garten in der Heide manchmal sind wir auch zum See gegangen da hast Du dann mit Nico auf einer Decke gelegen und Dich gesonnt ich habe in der Zeit versucht, eine von den vielen Libellen zu fangen die da immer über dem Wasser rumfliegen – leider ohne Erfolg hat aber Spaß gemacht, auch wenn ich dabei ziemlich naß wurde na ja, das habe ich ziemlich schnell regeln können denn neben Eurer Decke konnte man sich besonders gut schütteln wobei Du immer ein kleines Duschbad abgekriegt hast nach einem ganz wenig vorwurfsvollen Ausruf von Dir J a c o !! wurde mir klar, daß das wohl kein guter Einfall war Jeff, Du warst nie böse oder genervt von mir, immer nur lieb deshalb vermisse ich Dich so sehr!!!! - alle anderen Geschichten, die wir so erlebt haben, erzähle ich Dir, wenn wir uns auf der anderen Seite wiedersehen - one day ich muß Dir nämlich jetzt noch etwas ganz Wichtiges mitteilen ich habe einen neuen Job: bei Euch zu Hause wenn Nico nachts mal allein zu Hause ist, soll ich sie beschützen und das werde ich tun, das verspreche ich Dir !! Du weißt, daß ich ziemlich ruppig werden kann, auch wenn nur eine kleine Maus vorbeischauen sollte ich habe dafür ein neues Schlafkörbchen bekommen das steht dann vor Eurer Schlafzimmertür und da bleibe ich liegen bis Nico aufsteht – ich habe neulich schon mal Probeschlafen gemacht und ich war immer noch auf meinem Schlafplatz als Nico morgens aus der Tür kam sie hat mich gelobt, aber ich halte eben meine Versprechen! das war’s für heute, lieber, lieber Jeff! paß auf Dich auf und halte Deine Hand über uns ich werde Dich finden, wenn es dann so weit ist ich habe eine gute Nase, das weißt Du!! See you later

– Jaco  (24. November 2024 17:56)

This collection of photos of the cousins hung in our grandparents house all those years and now it hangs in mine. My cousin Jeff is in the middle - the little boy with the big smile. His trademark smile will live on in our memories. We love you and miss you Jeff.

– Karen Ressel  (24. November 2024 01:31)

Meine einzige und zugleich einzigartige Begegnung mit Jeff Alpert war bei der Einschulungsfeier unserer Tochter im vergangenen Sommer. Während wir die Straße zum Christianeum hinaufliefen, hörten wir bereits die Brass-Band spielen und wurden von einem solch außerordentlich warmen Gefühl umfangen, dass wir stehen blieben und staunten. Wir sahen, wie "Mr. A", so stand es auf seinem T-Shirt, voller Elan die Band führte und uns begeisterte diese Energie, die von ihm und somit von der Band ausging. Im Laufe der kommenden Wochen, während unsere Tochter sich immer noch in die neue Schule eingewöhnte, kam unser Gespräch immer wieder auf "Mr. A", wie unvergesslich das war, von seiner Musik so herzlich empfangen zu werden, wann wir ihm wieder begegnen würden, was er mit seiner Band als nächstes spielt, usw. Entsprechend berührt bin ich von der Nachricht seines Todes. Ich kann sehen, was für eine Lücke er hinterlässt, und bin doch zugleich sehr froh und dankbar, ihn erlebt zu haben. Ich wünsche seiner Familie nur das Beste!

– Anja S.  (22. November 2024 09:18)

– Agnese  (22. November 2024 00:59)

– Anonymous  (22. November 2024 00:59)

– Agnese  (22. November 2024 00:58)

– Anonymous  (22. November 2024 00:58)

– Agnese  (22. November 2024 00:57)

Dear Jeff, Our friendship dates back to the early 90’s, when you were a student in one of my Italian courses: an excellent, motivated student who infected the rest of the class with his enthusiasm. You were special. Once the course was over, we only saw each other sporadically for some time until you started the music enrichment programme at the International school of Hamburg, where I already worked. Then you graciously taught my son percussions for almost three years and, while Tiziano the teenager tested our patience in his own charming way, we renewed our friendship bond. My daughter Floriana reminded me that she babysat your children sometimes; it’s funny how we oversee how these ties interlock into a fabric of friendship, until we are forced to look back at life. Later you joined our school staff and we saw each other more often. You would pop into my office to say hello and we always found some time to talk and laugh together in the breaks. The Music You Shared You took me to some concerts; I will forever cherish our shared memories of Jacob Collier’s show, when he was not so famous yet. You had told me at length about him before, so I knew I would not understand very much, but it was so much fun. At some point he asked: “How many of you are musicians?” and about 95% of the audience raised their hands and everybody laughed, and about the same hands went up when he asked: “How many of you are jazz musicians?” :) You were so euphoric, sheer happiness, unforgettable. You took the time during the concert to explain what was happening, and made me feel I was part of it. You knew how to share. I enjoyed many of your own jam sessions and concerts in various locations throughout the years and I took my friends to see you. Everyone liked you and your music. I love the vibraphone sound and it was always a great pleasure to hear you play. Our Party It took me some courage one day 13 years ago to ask you if you would play at my 50th birthday; you surprised me by replying that you were turning 50 in the same year and would rather celebrate together. That turned out to be the best birthday party, a Birdland jam session with you and your excellent musician friends, great food and a fun mixture of your and my guests. Cheesecake Your passion for patisserie puzzled me at the beginning, but I fully understood it when I saw you at work. I ordered your cheesecakes for my birthdays in school and for school events; all the cakes I tried were delicious. You were gifted, of course, but your greatest gift was dedication in all that you did. You baked with the same dedication that you had for music. In 2014 my sister stayed with me for 8 months, an invaluable help during a very challenging phase of my life when I had to move twice within half a year. With your sixth sense, you came by with a piece of cake on my sister’s 50th birthday, and because we were moving and very stressed out, that was all the celebration we had; my sister still remembers it with fondness. I visited your first cheesecake café in Altona a few times and I really regret failing to visit your own café in the Stadtpark; our last exchange on Whatsapp was an invitation you sent me to an event there at the end of July, but I had a previous commitment. You promised to invite me to the following one. You were so happy and proud of your place and I should have made time for it. You had not missed my painting exhibition last April, it was an important event for me and I am so grateful that you were more generous with your time and I could see you one last time and have a chat. You came straight from work and you looked enthusiastic. Every time our paths crossed you left a good memory on my way, and I’ve collected them all. I took some time to recollect these moments and list them in chronological order, and it was sad but I also realised how many times we saw each other in these 30 years. I was lucky. I am grateful for having shared part of the way with you, and for the openness and honesty of our conversations throughout this time. Some of those conversations were very deep and touching, and I believe some changed both our lives a bit, and for the better. Thank you, Jeff. Farewell, my friend. Qui la meta è partire. - Giuseppe Ungaretti

– Agnese Pistoia  (22. November 2024 00:52)

Jeff and I were colleagues at ISH and even after he left I would often meet him at the market where we had a chat about the world and his exceptional cheesecake. Jeff's warm smile, generous spirit, mellifluous voice and joyous music just made life so much better. His inspirational performances for our evenings of words and music at ISH are still vivid in my memory. My deepest condolences.

– Alison Johnston  (19. November 2024 10:31)

Danke, Jeff! Du hast mir geholfen, ohne es zunächst zu wissen. Von dir habe ich die Redewendung „thousands of options“ einmal gehört. In einer wirklich misslichen Situation kamen mir von irgendwoher diese Worte in den Sinn und ich zitierte dich. Mir ging es unmittelbar besser mit der veränderten Sicht auf die Dinge. Ich freue mich darüber, dass ich dir dein unbewusst unterstützendes Wirken vor sechs Wochen noch mitteilen konnte. Ich glaube, du warst erstaunt und fandest es schön. Ich bin jetzt sehr traurig und betroffen über dein Ableben. Erinnerungen ploppen immer wieder kurz auf: Sommerfest, Silberhochzeit, Herrenabend, Café, dein Lächeln, Konzerte in der Provence. Liebe Nicola, ich denke viel an dich und wünsche dir, euren Söhnen und euren Angehörigen viel Kraft für die kommende Zeit.

– Maija Lusis  (18. November 2024 21:41)

Ich habe Jeff vor 19 Jahren als Nachbarn kennen und schätzen gelernt. In dieser Zeit hat uns immer die Leidenschaft fürs Backen verbunden. Es hat mich so gefreut zu sehen, wie Jeff aus seiner Leidenschaft ein Geschäft gemacht hat, welches immer weiter gewachsen ist. Ich erinnere noch gut, wie er mit seinem improvisierten Stand und seinen beiden Söhnen auf der ersten Hamburger Tortenmesse seinen Cheesecake verkauft hat. Inzwischen tragen Verkaufswagen das „Jeff´s Cheesecake“ Logo und er hat ein eigenes Café eröffnet. Der Austausch mit ihm über Torten, seine Ideen und Vorhaben, war immer so voller Leidenschaft und Begeisterung, dass es eine Freude war, an die ich mich immer sehr gerne erinnere. So haben wir zum Beispiel aus einer Spinnerei, ernst gemacht haben und gemeinsam einen Rainbow Cheesecake erfunden und ausprobiert. Ich bin sehr dankbar für die gemeinsamen Erinnerungen mit Jeff. Er fehlt sehr.

– Yinka Scharding  (18. November 2024 18:56)

Jeff was a dear friend from elementary school days in New Rochelle. You will easily spot his fashionable self in the top row. The Webster School community never forgot him and were so happy to find him through social media. This loss comes as a tremendous blow. His memory will always be a blessing. To Nicola, Colllin, Justin, Lauren, my deepest condolences.

– Emily Woolf Vallier  (18. November 2024 18:43)

I remember Jeff as an extremely charismatic and truly inspirational music teacher, a great vibraphonist and a respected working musician. He was my ex-colleague, fellow musician and friend. I feel honoured to have performed alongside him in Hamburg in the early 2000s and in the south of France in 2003. Jeff was authentic, warm, kind and great fun. - An exceptional man ! My deepest condolences to Nicola and her family.

– Guelma Lea Rischmüller  (16. November 2024 12:42)

I first met Jeff at whilst teaching at ISH. He was such a warm, supportive, friendly and genuinely sympathetic person. Jeff was also a fantastic musician. I have lovely memories of him playing his drums in the church at Rellingen at Christmas in Bach‘s Weihnachtsoratorium and also in other less formal jazz performances and of course for school productions. His cheesecakes were the best but the carrot cake was my favourite, made especially for my 70th birthday. Jeff’s warm smile would brighten up a whole room and his Joie de vivre, energy and enthusiasm was contagious. Through those lives he touched with his enthusiasm, compassion and love, he has left the world a better place. I am so glad you touched my life, thank you. My greatest sympathy goes to his family. Sally

– Sally Draper-Tough  (15. November 2024 17:00)

Sehr traurig habe ich am Sonntag von Jeffs Tod im Oktober erfahren und seither viel an ihn gedacht. Er war für mich ein besonderer Kollege am Christianeum, denn wir konnten uns immer gegenseitig zum Geburtstag gratulieren, was er stets mit seinem charmanten Lächeln tat. Ich habe Jeff nicht als einen Mann der großen Worte erlebt, aber als einen sehr nachdenklichen und empathischen Menschen. Wenn er die BrassBand leitete, war ihm anzumerken, wie sehr er in der Musik lebte und wie viel Freude ihm das Zusammenwirken mit den Schülerinnen und Schülern machte. Mein tiefes Mitgefühl gilt seiner Frau, Collin und Justin und allen Familienmitgliedern und ich wünsche Ihnen und euch die Kraft, mit diesem Schicksalsschlag umzugehen. Ich werde Jeff in liebevoller Erinnerung behalten. Susanne Jorzick

– Susanne Jorzick  (13. November 2024 21:53)

Dearest Nicola, I am so very very sorry. I remember very vividly the first meeting we had at Vena's house many years ago and how warm and friendly you both were and what a nice meeting that was. And then at that time Jeff had the idea of starting the music lesson program at the ISH. So that was very significant for me as I am still teaching piano lessons there to this day. Jeff always had a warm smile for everyone. Friendliness just radiated within from him. You as well! I would say that talking to either of you felt like letting in sunshine.. And I was quite honored to be able to teach Colin for a while. He was just as nice as his parents! I have much thanks in my heart to both of you.

– Jennifer Hymer  (13. November 2024 21:00)

13. Juni 2024. Das letzte Konzert mit Jeff. Eine letzte Umarmung nach vielen Jahren in der Brassband. Wir werden ihn vermissen - seine Wärme, seine positive Ausstrahlung, seinen Humor und sein Strahlen, mit dem er die Welt erhellte. Die Aufmerksamkeit, die er seinem Gegenüber entgegen brachte, seine Hilfsbereitschaft und seine Zugewandtheit waren einmalig. Mit großer Dankbarkeit, dass wir diesen besonderen Menschen kennenlernen durften, tragen wir die Erinnerung an ihn für immer in unseren Herzen.

– Familie Scheffler  (12. November 2024 16:05)

Jeff war ein Freund von uns. Auch wenn wir uns nicht oft gesehen haben, waren die Besuche in seinem Laden immer eine große Freude und wir haben uns toll unterhalten. Wir werden ihn immer in gutem Gedanken halten

– Malte Gera & Joëlle Pruss  (10. November 2024 19:39)

Lieber Jeff, gestern stand Deine Todesanzeige in der Zeitung. Es ist immer noch unfassbar, Deinen Namen dort zu lesen. Und so traurig, dass Dir kein längeres Leben vergönnt war. Zuletzt haben Dirk und ich Dich auf Eurer schönen Feier im vergangenen Winter gesehen. Und ich habe auch da wieder gedacht: ein toller Mann! Einer, der Gefühle zeigen kann und trotzdem echt cool ist. Und bei dem man sich allein durch sein herzliches Lächeln so beschenkt fühlt. Die Erinnerung daran bleibt! Jeff, ich danke Dir für die gemeinsamen Stunden in den langen Jahren, seit wir uns kennengelernt haben. Und ich danke Dir besonders, dass meine Freundin Nicola und Eure Jungs mit Dir einen so lieben Mann und Papa an ihrer Seite haben durften. Auch dies wird bleiben.

– Kerstin Geisel  (10. November 2024 16:10)

– Anonymous  (09. November 2024 17:00)

Jeff war 21 Jahre lang unser lieber Nachbar, der immer für ein freundliches Gespräch, Lächeln oder auch nur ein fröhliches Winken aus dem Käsekuchenmobil da war. Wir haben gerne zusammen gefeiert, auf den Bildern sieht man, wir er beim Nachbarschaftsfest Musik macht. Und dann mit herrlicher Perücke auf meinem 50. Geburtstag! Eine der vielen Erinnerungen an die Zeit mit unseren kleineren Lindern ist, dass Jeff Halloween 🎃 gerne feierte und selbst verkleidet mit Justin und Collin um die Häuser zog. Außerdem war Jeffs Kürbis wirklich der tollste in der Nachbarschaft!!! Wir vermissen ihn sehr Karin, Guy, Jasper, Linnea und Camilla

– Karin Boultwood  (09. November 2024 17:00)

Our first unforgettable impression of Jeff Alpert will remain him playing with the Brass Band at our son’s first day at Christianeum in 2023- such positive energy! And then again at the Christmas Concert- what a privilege for all the students who were able to play music with him. He brought a lot of joy to this world.

– Leo, Aline und Sebastian Tiegelkamp  (09. November 2024 12:51)

I am so saddened and shocked to hear that my friend Jeff has unexpectedly passed away. We met in Frankfurt in around 1991 where we worked together for several months in a Pit orchestra on tour in Europe. We lost touch after the tour and then he suddenly reappeared in Hamburg several years later where we reconnected and continued our friendship. As so many people here have commented, he was a beaming spirit of a person with many (other) talents that I am only learning about on this forum. We actually got to play music again together this year, which I am very grateful to have as one last great experience to remember his great abilities and warm character. Jeff lived his life as he wanted, and maybe if there is anything to console his family and friends, is that he never sold his soul and, as evidenced in everything I have read here, left a positive legacy behind. We will miss you!

– Edward Harris  (09. November 2024 01:04)

To Jeff's family, may his memory always be a blessing. May Jeff's warm hugs, kind heart, love of his family, joy in Spirit, and willingness to listen to a friend carry you at this time. He was such a warm soul and always left the people he was with feeling loved and cared for.

– Amy Edelstein  (08. November 2024 22:11)

– Zidan Nayel  (08. November 2024 15:30)

Ich habe Jeff zwar nie wirklich gesehen doch die Verabschiedung heute hat mir die Augen geöffnet. Ich habe selber fast geweint nicht nur weil er leider weggegangen ist, sondern auch wegen der schönen Musik und das die Brass Band ganz alleine gespielt hat ohne Jeff. Leider. Ich wünsche den Alperts noch viel Glück und Freude!

– Lotti 6e  (08. November 2024 14:32)

Hallo ich bin auch sehr traurig wegen sein Tod ich will das ihr, seine Familie nicht traurig seit weil die Zeit ist leider zu früh gekommen und ihr könnt auch nichts dafür. LG Alireza Turkan🙂

– Alireza 6b  (08. November 2024 13:58)

Als ich noch in Hamburg gelebt habe waren die Besuche bei Jeff immer ein Highlight. Und das nicht nur wegen dem Käsekuchen. Jeff war ein sehr positiver Mensch und hat einem immer das Gefühl gegeben willkommen zu sein. Es war wunderschön dich gekannt zu haben.

– Charlotte Gera  (07. November 2024 11:00)

Ich habe Jeff kennengelernt als ich 2016 in der Bibliothek des Christianeums anfing. Die Musik, die er mit der Brassband spielte, hat mich von Anfang an begeistert. Ich hatte das große Glück, ihn und die Brassband auf der Reise nach China begleiten zu können. Wenn wir zwei Betreuerinnen manchmal etwas angespannt waren, damit wir niemanden verlieren und alles klappt, sagte Jeff immer "go with the flow" und alles wurde gut. Die Reise hatte viele fantastische musikalische Momente, aber für immer unvergesslich bleibt mir, der von Jeff spontan initiierte musikalische Auftritt der Band vor der chinesischen Mauer. Goodbye Jeff!

– Heike Müller  (07. November 2024 10:57)

I had the joy of working with Jeff at the New York State Music Camp. I learned much about making great music from him and enjoyed performing many concerts with him as well. His family and friends are in my prayers.

– Deacon Peter Woolschlager  (05. November 2024 23:48)

Jeff was always gentle and kind when I talked with him. Sending my condolences to you, his family.

– Khin Tye  (05. November 2024 23:37)

Goodbye, Jeff. Thank you for being a wonderful colleague. I value our many conversations, your musical ability and your performances. You taught with love and my girls remember you as a lovely person. There is much to thank you for and you will be remembered by us for your dedication, your commitment , your love of life, your humour, your creativity. I enjoyed hearing you play the vibraphone and I enjoyed offering your cheesecakes to my family and friends on many occasions. How talented you were in so many ways. You will never grow old and your memory will live on. May you rest in peace in the satisfaction of a job well done. It was a pleasure getting to know you. Farewell.

– Ruth Chignell-Stapleton  (05. November 2024 20:49)

I met Jeff through mutual friends in the late eighties. We all enjoyed bicycle riding in the Vermont countryside. Jeff was one of the original snowboard instructors at the Stowe ski resort. Not to shy away from a challenge, Jeff joined me and some 75 others in an autumn bicycle race up an access road to the top of the ski area, a 2,500-foot (760 m) climb over about 4.5 miles (7 km). Since bicycles aren’t normally allowed on this road, we prepared for the climb doing laps together back and forth over Smuggler’s Notch, a mountain pass near the ski area. Our training worked as we both completed the race! In 1990 Jeff got this idea that he wanted to live in Paris. Never mind that he didn’t have a place to live or speak French. Off he went with his dog and bicycle living initially in a tent in the Bois De Boulogne. As a commercial pilot flying regularly to Paris at the time, I supplied Jeff with his stateside needs which at one point included a replacement handle bar for his bicycle. That drew some funny comments from my fellow crewmembers as the handle bar did not fit in my suitcase. Jeff quickly found his way into the Paris jazz scene with various gigs. He eventually landed a job in the orchestra with a company that performed American musicals. Europe being the dog friendly place that it is, Jeff was able to have his dog curled up at his feet in the orchestra pit during performances. Jeff tells the story of the time his dog added a perfectly timed howl to the music! Jeff loved living in Europe, would eventually meet Nicola, and of course have a wonderful life in Hamburg.

– Bob Kirch  (05. November 2024 17:24)

Wir kennen wenige Menschen wie Jeff, die stets „good vibes“ ausstrahlten. Er hatte eine positive Energie und eine angenehme leise Ausstrahlung. Man fühlte sich bei ihm willkommen und geschätzt. Unvergessen als Beleg für die „good vibes“ war sein musikalischer Auftritt mit zwei Musikerkollegen bei unserem ersten Straßenfest. Wir sind sehr froh, einen Menschen wie Jeff in unserem Leben getroffen zu haben.

– Henning & Simone Baumbach  (05. November 2024 16:20)

I was deeply shocked and saddened to find out that Jeff passed away. We have not spent much time personally together but shared the experience of community life. If my memory is correct the last time we briefly met in person was in Switzerland during a community event. I remember Jeff as a very sweet, beaming and passionate human being who loved life, music and his family. When he decided to open a cheese cake business in Hamburg I was very impressed and admired his courage and spirit in making it successful. My heartfelt condolences to his family and all who loved him. Rest in peace dear Jeff!

– Eb  (05. November 2024 11:09)

I knew Jeff when he was the head of the Counseling staff at the New York State Music Camp in Oneonta, New York, back in 1982 - 1984. He was also the top percussionist, singer, and sported the very finest mustache any man had ever grown! In our Official Facebook group, I put together a tribute to Jeff, using his live performance on the vibraphone with the camp's Select Choir. My sister taped him live on August 10, 1984, as he accompanied the choir in a beautiful rendition of "The Rainbow Connection", conducted by Dr Robert Swift. For the slide show, I used 40-year-old photos of Jeff from the personal libraries of myself and another camper, Jon Mintz. I've attached one of my very favorite shots of Jeff playing the congas in a wild, exciting performance of "Some Skunk Funk" with the very best of the camp's jazzers from 1983. On behalf of all the campers and counselors from teenage Jeff's life at camp, I offer all of our deepest sympathies on the loss of such a wonderful life.

– Keisuke Hoashi  (05. November 2024 09:06)

Colorado, winter 1977 / 78

– Adam Scher  (05. November 2024 00:01)

The one day we took off skiing, we went snowmobiling - Colorado, winter 1977 / 78

– Adam Scher  (04. November 2024 23:56)

Jeff on the slopes of Copper Mountain Winter 1977 / 78

– Adam Scher  (04. November 2024 23:49)

I'm so sorry to hear to hear about Jeff's passing. My deepest condolences to his family. Jeff's smile could light up any room and it is heart warming to see on these posts, all the many lives he touched. I met Jeff in 1973 when we both went to Lewis Wadhams, a boarding school way upstate in the Adirondacks and there we became life long friends. I am posting one picture here of him from 1976 at our LW school reunion. After leaving school, we both lived in the same neighborhood on the upper west side in New York City. We shared a love of music and the first big concert I ever saw was with him at Madison Square Garden when we went to see Edgar Winter in 1974. We hung out a lot as teenagers and would have fun going to see triple feature Bruce Lee movies at the Beacon and having a good laugh. It was interesting for me to see that later in life he became a kick boxer. He sure was a talented and multifaceted person and more important, one of the nicest guys I've ever known. Over the years we had some fun adventures together, including driving across country in 1977 to spend the winter skiing in Colorado. Over the last few decades we stayed in touch by email and later with Facebook but would only get a chance to see each other every 5 to10 years or so. After not seeing Jeff for many years, this past August he was passing through NYC and we got together and enjoyed the afternoon catching up, reminiscing and had lots of laughs like the old times. He looked great and happy, this is why it is such shocking news that he had suddenly passed. I take great solace I had that last chance to be with him. RIP my dear friend, I will miss you very much as I know all who were lucky to have known you will to

– Adam Scher  (04. November 2024 23:41)

Jeff Alpert und seine BrassBand begegneten uns am Einschulungstag unserer Tochter Lúci im Sommer, am 09.08.2021. Das erste, was wir hörten und sahen, war Jeff Alpert mit seiner Band. Er hat mit ihr ein unfassbar wohlig warmes, amüsantes, großartiges Gefühl der Freude verbreitet. Wir wollten nur eins: Teil dieser Gemeinschaft werden. Niemand konnte still stehen, es war ein wunderbarer Start. Für immer DANKE für diese wunderbare Erinnerung. Ich habe damals sämtlichen Freunden und der Familie ein Video von Jeff Alpert und der Band gesendet. Hier kann man leider nur Fotos posten. Sie spielten Earth Wind and Fire - September. Liebe Familie, Freunde und Kollegen von Jeff Alpert, wir fühlen mit Ihnen. Herzlichst, Familie Almeida.

– Familie Almeida  (04. November 2024 22:31)

It is hard to imagine a more lovable person than Jeff. Every interaction with him brought a smile to my face for the rest of the day. His genuine kindness warmed the hearts of everyone around him, and I am incredibly sad that he was taken from this life so soon. Nicola, Collin and Justin, my heart goes out to you.

– Bridget Roselius  (04. November 2024 20:45)

I’m deeply saddened to hear of Jeff’s passing. Thinking back to that chance meeting in a café, years ago, where we laughed over our accents and our differences (he American, me British), I realise just how rare and precious our friendship was. Despite our many differences, we managed to bridge them with ease, sharing humour, stories, and a connection that will stay with me always. Jeff brought such warmth and light into my life, and I shall truly miss him. RIP, my friend. Steph

– Stephanie von Wellinghoff  (04. November 2024 17:39)

In 1979, while on a train from NYC to Boston, I noticed a percussionist stick bag seated next to a young man across from me. Jeff and I were both headed to Boston to audition at the New England Conservatory. Little did we know that our conversation on that train would be the beginning of a long friendship. We ended up as undergrads at the Conservatory eventually both studying with legendary Vic Firth. Soon, we were roommates sharing an apartment with a female cat we named Victoria or “Vic” for short. Jeff and I shared so much together during a pivotal time in both of our lives, it’s difficult to decide which to recount. Here are a few highlights- -There was the time Jeff’s grandfather “hired” us to drive his Mercedes Benz from Florida to New Hampshire. Little did we know that Sarasota was not the hub of Spring Break excitement and more of a resting place for people with walkers. -Jeff, being an avid early adopter of snowboarding, taught me how to ski while he lived in Stowe Vt. pursuing his passion as a snowboard instructor by day and jazz vibraphonist by night. -We also had the opportunity to make up the entire percussion section on a tour of Japan, Korea, and Taiwan with the Harvard Radcliffe Orchestra. How we managed to perform Britten’s “Young Persons Guide to the Orchestra” with just two players was a testament Jeff’s talent. -Jeff and I also decided to share the stage in “Roommates in Recital” where we performed together for an enthusiastic audience while still undergrads at NEC. It was one of the many highlights of our time as students. I was deeply sadden to hear of the sudden loss. It brought back so many memories of time spent with the warm, glowing, and talented young man I met on a train so many years ago. He will be missed beyond words. Doug

– Doug Lippincott  (04. November 2024 16:13)

FAREWELL, my sunny son-in-law Plötzlich war er da! ohne große Vorankündigung ein Musiker aus New York mit glänzenden Augen und lächelnden Lippen leise und unaufdringlich im Verhalten aber mit einer großen Ausstrahlung das warst Du, Jeff als Du in unser Leben getreten bist es war nicht Deine Musik allein die das Familienleben zum Klingen bringen sollte du hattest großes Gepäck dabei angefüllt mit Gaben von unschätzbarem Wert die Dich zu einem einmaligen Menschen geformt haben deine Güte, Dein großes Herz, Deine Toleranz, deine Hilfsbereitschaft und Dein Humor – alles, alles wird uns fehlen du warst der gute Geist in unserer Familie für mich mein sonniger Schwiegersohn und für Collin und Justie der wunderbarste Vater Jeff, und noch etwas, das Allerwichtigste DU hast meine Tochter glücklich gemacht. dafür bin ich Dir auf ewig dankbar DU warst ihre große Liebe bitte behüte sie, Dein Girl, immer weiter! ich, wir alle sind untröstlich und werden zurückbleiben mit der quälenden Frage: Warum?

– Gugi  (04. November 2024 12:39)

I was so lucky to be Jeff's cousin. Only 3 months older than me, Jeff was literally in the waiting room in the hospital when I was born and my earliest memories are of our adventures together. (This photo is of us at the NY Worlds Fair with our grandfather who we called "Papa.") As we grew up we shared a love of music and I loved hearing Jeff play. Whenever Jeff was nearby it was like sunshine walked into the room. I was so proud of him and so happy seeing Jeff so happy with you Nicola and your beloved sons Collin and Justin. Nicola, Collin, Justin, Kim, Lauren and the rest of the family - we are sending our love, support and deepest sympathies.

– Lisa Keston Danielpour  (04. November 2024 03:55)

Since my brother was part of the Brass Band I wanted to play in it as well. I was terrible. Mr Alperts words were : “Well we need Saxophones!” So I played for 5 years. He would tell us the best storys from his life: About Orchestras he played in, about the cheesecakes and more. It was amazing to see how someone could live for the music like he did. I can’t imagine a better Band conductor than him. We didn’t just loose a teacher or a conductor we lost a legacy. I’m glad I left school behind because I cant imagine (and don’t want to) it without him. I’m very thankful for being able to say that I played in the Brass Band with Jeff Alpert and I’m sorry for giving you gray hair because I never practiced and talked during practice…

– -HS  (03. November 2024 21:01)

Us in the beginning …. Life will never feel the same.

– Lauren  (03. November 2024 19:47)

Jeff, es ist schwer zu verstehen, warum ein so wunderbarer Mensch, wie du, nicht mehr unter uns weilt. Wir haben uns über tiefe Fragen des Lebens ausgetauscht, zusammen meditiert und ich habe bei euch zu Hause meine ersten original hausgemachten American pancakes gegessen. Ich war dabei, als Jeff die ersten cheesecakes gebacken hat. Leider haben wir uns in den letzten Jahren aus den Augen verloren, aber nie aus dem Herzen. Jeff hatte die Gabe, Menschen zusammenzubringen, er war immer so freundlich und unterstützend. Mein Herz trauert mit euch, Nicola, Collin, Justin.

– Katrin Karneth  (03. November 2024 18:35)

Jeff, it's such a sad surprise to hear that you moved on..seeing you again in the HH Stadtpark this summer after so many years, and seeing my mom enjoy your cakes so much, seeing you do what you loved - what is left is the feeling of warmth and the beam of joy you extended to everyone entering on in peace, brother, may your creativity and sensitivity live on. To you, Nicola, and the boys, thank you for inviting this thread of sharing, may this and the community you have around you, help you through this time.

– Uli Nagel  (03. November 2024 17:43)

Jeff did his best to expose me to good music. This is us at the beginning of October on our way to a Hiromi concert at the Elphi concert hall in Hamburg.

– Nicola Byok  (03. November 2024 17:17)

Lewis-Wadhams School Group Photo

– James P Morgan  (03. November 2024 17:00)

Hearing about your passing, Jeff, shocked me. I remember your gentleness, your sensitivity, your smile, the many conversations we had about the meaning of life. We met around 20 years ago in our shared quest for deeper answers to life and the essence of why we are here. You were an inspiring and warm-hearted companion in that. I remember our meetings in Hamburg with fellow seekers investigating together and having a good time with lots of uplift, joy and warmth. I also remember you playing music and how I wondered, how can one hit the right tones so fast. We have not been in touch for a long time, but these memories live on in me. Farewell, beautiful soul. I whish Nicola and the whole family lots of strength and love in these sad times. Love and all the best, Mike

– Mike Kauschke  (03. November 2024 14:34)

On a very foggy evening to get these news, Jeff, that you left, makes me very sad. Remembering the sweetness of you, the tender conversations, the shared questions and insecurities about life. I will miss you even though we were not in touch for quite a few years. I hope you make music up there somewhere behind the fogginess this world. Love Renata

– Renata Keller  (02. November 2024 19:08)

Ich kannte Jeff seit ein paar Jahren über die Kinder und das Kickboxen. Vor vier Wochen habe ich ihn auf dem Flottbeker Markt getroffen und wir haben uns unterhalten und er erzählte mir von seinem Café im Stadtpark, ja, ich komme vorbei, sagte ich noch. Jetzt bin ich hier...

– Ina Wagner  (02. November 2024 15:19)

Rest in Peace, Jeff. Our daughter is a trombone player and that was down to you. Thank you for having us in your life. Thank you for being in ours. It is well.

– Njoki Gulzow  (02. November 2024 15:02)

I moved to Germany in 2019 and immediately tried to connect with other Americans and find some comforts of home. I came across Jeff's Cheesecake and just knew right away I'd be a huge fan. I followed and interacted with Jeff on social media before I could get to Hamburg to finally try the cheesecake. I said hello and he immediately recognized me from my social comments - I couldn't believe he knew who I was just by random comments about cheesecake. That told me all I needed to know about Jeff. Not only was the cheesecake life-changingly good, Jeff was genuinely a kind and good human being. This news was so hard to hear, the world definitely lost a great person. So sorry to his family!

– Ashley Reinhart  (01. November 2024 21:42)

I was fortunate enough to know Jeff when he was just 12 years old, meeting him in at Camp Trywoodie, and getting to visit him in NYC! My whole family adored him and fondly remember his visiting all of us in Poughkeepsie, N.Y. in October of 1974. He was an incredibly funny, warm, caring, and talented friend. The news of his passing is just too much to bear. My thoughts are with Nicola, Justin, and Collin at this difficult time. He will be terribly missed.

– Jody Lipton  (01. November 2024 20:58)

This is extremely sad news to me as well as all who knew Jeff. It was always a blessing to know him, as all of the things that people say about him were always true. They have been true for half a century since I knew him. His loss will leave his family and friend's in true grief. Because of the truly great,terrific and giving and loving person he was. My sincere and deepest condolences to his family and friends and all those who knew Jeff. He never put himself above any other person. I hope to do the same.

– Tarek Dajani  (01. November 2024 19:25)

Jeff wasn’t just a musician or a superb cheese cake maker, he was a people person. I can honestly say I had never seen him without a smile on his face, much like the picture above. His smile was infectious and even though we did not see each other much, when we did he always had time for a chat. We are all a little lacking with his loss. I was so sad to hear the news. Deepest sympathies to everyone and especially to his loving family.

– Patricia Hayward  (01. November 2024 18:53)

I had the pleasure to play with Jeff a couple of times in his café with friends of mine (Rafa Müller and Roz Macdonald) from the HfMT. We always had such a great time and he was one of the most humble and kind people i knew. I met him at the HfMT in June 2024 while he was hanging up some flyers looking for musicians to play. I was just sitting there and doing some work, when i saw him and i could read the flyer, so i just introduced myself and said that i would love to play with him, which he was so happy about. I feel very lucky to have been at the right place at the right time. We didn't know each other for so long, but i was so sure that we would be making music together for a long time still and that these couple of concerts were only the beginning. He always suggested a lot of beautiful tunes for the band to play, that we were excited to work on. He was an incredible musician and played the vibraphone so tastefully and open heartedly! I feel blessed to have known him and made music with him I send all my love and strength to his family! Photo: our last concert on 27.09.2024 Credit to Nils Jöhnk

– Pouya Abdi  (01. November 2024 15:16)

Dear Jeff, before I got to know you, I had already heard so many stories about you, about your dream, and what an incredibly gentle person you were. When I finally got to know you, I couldn't help but smile because you were already so familiar to me in your kind and sometimes somewhat distracted manner. You don't know how much I wish I had had the chance to get to know you better...I'll see you on the other side to catch up. My heart goes out to Nicola, Justin and Collin, whishing you strength in these difficult times...

– Zoi Aroniadi  (01. November 2024 14:59)

Jeff, du warst der erste Schüler bei ambition. Ich durfte miterleben, wie du an deinen Techniken im Kickboxen gearbeitet, und wie du eine Gurtprüfung nach der anderen bestanden hast. Auf der Suche nach einem Bild von dir „in Aktion“ habe ich ein Video von deiner letzten Gurtprüfung gefunden. Du selbst bist kaum darauf zu sehen, dafür aber alle anderen Prüflinge, die dich anfeuern: „Jeeheff…Jeheeef…LOS Jeff, du schaffst das“ - und du hast es geschafft! Diese letzte war die BESTE aus allen Prüfungen. Ich bin stolz auf dich und das, was du erreicht hast, aber auch darauf, dass ich dich begleiten und kennen lernen durfte. Ich werde dich unfassbar vermissen. Sensei

– Petra Gilkes  (01. November 2024 14:04)

Dear Alpert Family, My deepest condolences on the loss of your most kind, gracious, talented Jeff. We were classmates at The High School of Performing Arts. Thanks to Facebook, I had the good fortune of connecting with him October 5th, 2019 in Rome, Italy for a performance he had within the gorgeous Church of Our Lady Santa Maria dell'Anima. Attached are a few moments from that evening. I am grateful for having that short yet happy time with him, that I now share with you. I also have a short video of Jeff playing but I can not seem to upload it here. Please email me at, so I may forward it to you. Again, my deepest condolences to you and his many friends and colleagues. I know he was deeply and broadly loved. Jeff, may your new journey be smooth and sweet, fascinating and filled with the Music of the Spheres.

– Nathalie Gabrielli Rawat  (01. November 2024 11:50)

Dear Jeff, so sad knowing you are not with us and your family anymore. I‘ll remember you and our conversations about coffee & cake startup businesses during the few times we met. Makes me smile.

– Jens Tinapp  (01. November 2024 11:38)

Jeff was one of those larger-than-life individuals who immediately touched your soul. I got to know Jeff in (what I think) was the mid 2000s at the International School of Hamburg. Back then the paths of a music teacher and coordinator of our after school music program and an IT director may not normally cross, but not with Jeff. Jeff was exceptionally enthusiastic about the role technology could play in the teaching and learning of music. Our collaboration turned into a friendship and a bunch of good memories. Good memories of him playing his vibraphone at different concerts/events with a passion like there was no tomorrow! Good memories of him making his way all the way over to the south of the Elbe to attend my housewarming party. Good memories of him sending me his latest cheesecake delights on my 40th birthday as his business was just starting out. And good memories of him always greeting you with a huge smile and a genuine inquiry into how the children are going. He was larger than life, had a heart of gold and touched so many of our lives. I am grateful to have been one of them.

– Rachel van Maanen  (01. November 2024 09:00)

I found a folder of photos from a visit with Jeff, Nicola, Collin, Justin, Kim, my mom Joan, my sister Lisa, Lisa's kids Aaron and Josh, Kim's kids Colton and Hudson, and my older kid Ben. 2010. Here is a photo of Jeff, Joan, and Lisa.

– Vicky Keston  (01. November 2024 03:39)

I knew Jeff for a number of years when I was the Head of School at the International School of Hamburg and he taught in our music program. My wife Lida and I were shocked and saddened by the news of Jeff’s passing. When Jeff was fairly early in his cheesecake business, we ordered his cakes on a couple of occasions as a treat for our staff at ISH. It still brings a smile to my face when I remember how we laid out a dozen or more cakes—cinnamon, chocolate, blueberry—on a long table in the cafeteria on PD days. It was like Black Friday at midnight by the entrance to Best Buy, elbows (including mine) flying as people rushed towards their favourite slice. Jeff and I drove together once to the Christianeum where he also worked, to borrow some instruments and stands for a concert event at ISH. We had a great time moving tubas and drum sets into his vehicle. The only expression I ever saw on Jeff’s face in all my encounters with him was one of kindness. He made your day special just by spending a minute or two in his presence and we were all blessed to have had him among us at ISH.

– Andrew Cross  (01. November 2024 02:55)

Meine früheste Erinnerung an diesen wunderbaren Menschen, dessen Wärme und menschliche Größe ich erst nach und nach entdeckte, ist sein gemeinsamer Eintritt in Nicos Leben mit einem gleichermaßen großen wie sanft-freundlichen Wesen namens Gurdjieff. Man sagt ja oft, dass Mensch und Hund einander entsprechen und sich sogar im Wesen und Erscheinungsbild annähern. Ich glaube, dies war so ein Fall. Beide hatten die gleiche Mixtur aus menschlicher/tierischer und körperlicher Größe, Sanftheit und Freundlichkeit. Stabilität im ganzen Wesen. Überhaupt besteht meine Erinnerung vor allem in warmen Bildern. Mehr als in Worten. Ich erinnere mich an meine Hochzeitsreise nach Neuengland, die mich auch zu dem wunderbaren Tanglewood – Festival in Massachusetts führte. Und immer war Jeff ein bisschen dabei, weil er damals recht häufig in dieser wunderbaren Gegend um Lennox, Mass. Zugegen war. Ich erinnere mich auch, viel später, als Jeff für seine Cheesecakes dieses motorisierte Dreirad – Gefährt erwarb. Ein liebenswertes Gemisch aus Motorrad und Auto. Und dieses Gefährt hat beiden, Nico wie Jeff, offenbar viel Freude bereitet. Zufällig war ich wenige Straßen von dem Wohnhaus entfernt und wurde überholt von diesem knatternden Gefährt, in dem lachend und juchzend Nico und Jeff vorbei sausten. Ein Fahrzeug der guten Laune mit zwei ausgelassen glücklichen Menschen darin. Ein Bild, das, glaube ich, sehr sinnbildlich ist. Jetzt, viel zu spät. Erst erkenne ich, dass ich diesen wunderbaren Menschen viel zu wenig kennen lernen durfte. Nico, Justin, Collin, fühlt Euch umarmt

– Wolfgang Leibing  (01. November 2024 00:11)

Ich bin erschrocken und unendlich traurig. Noch vor kurzem berichtete er uns, vom Erfolg seines kleinen Cafés im Stadtpark, holte wie immer seine Bleche ab, worauf er seine unvergleichbaren und leckersten Brownies der Welt lieferte. Keine Worte, eine absolute Leere und der traurige Gedanke ihn nie wieder sehen und mit Ihm reden zu dürfen. Es tut mir soooooooooooo unendlich leid. Ich werde Dich nie vergessen mein lieber Jeff. 😢

– Rene Hagen - Eventcater  (31. October 2024 23:22)

I first collaborated with Jeff while directing "Beauty and the Beast" at the International School of Hamburg in 2013. He was a kind man who was generous with his musical talents. In the years that he worked at ISH he lit up the halls. Many of our staff are grieving his loss.

– Trena Abbott  (31. October 2024 22:11)

Liebe Nicola, Liebe Jungs, viele Jahre durfte ich mit Jeff zusammen beim Kickboxen zusammen trainieren. Wir haben viel gelacht (und geschwitzt😅) und ich werde seine herzliche, ehrliche und liebenswürdige Art sehr vermissen!! Ich nehme Euch alle fest in den Arm und wünsche Euch viel Kraft für die kommende Zeit! Annika

– Annika  (31. October 2024 19:38)

...cannot express the loss I feel. Gonna miss you forever, brother!

– Kai Byok  (31. October 2024 18:35)

I was fortunate to reconnect with Jeff not that long ago via Facebook. I wasn't sure if he remembered me but he did. He was, I think, 14, and I was sixteen. I didn't realize he was 14 at the time. Jeff, you were cool then, and such a good friend to Ethan, Laurie and the kids and teens at the Pathwork Center, and obviously so cool for the rest of your life. I just lost my husband as well, recently, and am in heartbreak. I send my most sincere condolences to his wife and children: What you are going through is unimaginable except for those who are living through it. I'm so terribly sorry for your loss.

– Camilla Saly  (31. October 2024 18:32)

Jeff and I were great friends in high school; He played percussion right behind my brass section and we lived near each other on the Upper West Side of Manhattan. Soon after graduation we hit the road to visit his dad, who was living in Colorado. Early on as he was teaching me how to drive his stick shift car, I was desperately searching for the clutch pedal as he screamed at me to stop at a road block looking for escaped convicts in upstate New York. Along the way we toured the Kellogg’s corn flakes factory in Michigan whose samples provided us with breakfast for the whole trip. And it was only Jeff’s smooth talking that got us out of being arrested for camping on Lake Michigan; smack in the middle of the Northwestern campus. We drove through Detroit smoking a couple of Havanas we picked up across the bridge in Canada worrying our Japanese subcompact would be set ablaze by auto workers. It was then I became a huge fan of Cat Stevens as his greatest hits was the only cassette tape Jeff brought along; we listened and sang to it endlessly. We drove up the Rocky mountains in the breakdown lane with the hazards on going about 5 miles an hour; how were a couple of 18 year olds supposed to know you had to adjust the carburetor when driving at 12,000’? We were briefly in Boston together; Jeff at the NEC and me at BU but then as often happens when young people make their way in the world, we lost touch. We got together not too long ago on one of his trips stateside. Still the same positive, smart, funny guy I remembered. I got the chance to meet Nicola and the boys; no surprise that Jeff married and fathered such lovely people. I was so happy he had made such a wonderful life. Photo: Grant Park, Chicago 1980

– Evan Richman  (31. October 2024 16:55)

Lieber Jeff, am 17ten haben wir abends noch geschrieben. Du wolltest eine große Bestellung machen, damit du 10 Tage wegfahren kannst. Die Info kam sehr kurzfristig. Augenrollen, Seufzer, das war so typisch für dich. Meine Antwort: "Soso, still und leise ab durch die Mitte." Du: "Sehr leise." Und dann bist du gegangen, plötzlich, sehr leise und für immer. Lieber Jeff, ich bin unfassbar traurig. Wir hatten so viele Pläne für dein Cheesecake-Buisness, das über die Jahre gewachsen ist. Die letzten 5,5 Jahre haben wir viel zusammen erlebt und so viele Kuchen gebacken. Ich habe bei dir angefangen, da hattest du einen Tisch mit Sonnenschirm auf dem Markt. Ich werde nie vergessen, wie stolz du warst, als du mit deinem ersten richtigen Marktanhänger auf den Hof fuhrst. Dann kam der Pop up Store und vor einem Jahr endlich das eigene Café. Ich bin glücklich, dass ich ein kleiner Teil davon sein durfte - von deinem Leben und von deinem Cheesecaketraum. Ich werde dich vermissen Jeff. Ich kann immer noch nicht begreifen, dass du nicht mehr mit unzähligen leeren Boxen und einem "Hi Sanni!" in die Backstube kommst und mit gefüllten Boxen und einem "Danke Sanni!" wieder gehst. Ich habe dir nie "Tschüss" gesagt, wenn du gingst, sondern immer nur "bis gleich", weil du immer irgendetwas vergessen hast. Wie oft bin ich hinter dir her - "Jeff, die Brownies!!!" Menschlich haben wir uns prima ergänzt - du, der sanfte, freundliche, leicht chaotische Jazzmusiker und ich, die norddeutsche Rakete, die gerne raushaut, was sie denkt. Und wir konnten über uns lachen. Du hast es mir nie übel genommen, wenn ich gesagt habe: "Kannst du mal dein Riddeldiddel leiser machen?", wenn Jazz24 durch die Backstube schallte. Und wie oft hast du mich mit meinem "Aldi Talk" und meinem ollen Handy aufgezogen, weil ich in der Backstube unerreichbar war. Eines Tages hast du mir dein IPhone in die Hand gedrückt und gelächelt - Telekom Familientarif der Familie Alpert, mein neues Arbeitshandy. Mein olles Handy gebe ich aber nicht auf. Als ich meiner Freundin schrieb, mein Chef ist gestorben, schrieb die Autokorrektur - mein Jeff ist gestorben. Und das stimmt. Jeff, du warst mehr, als nur mein Chef. Ich habe das Gefühl, ich habe einen Freund verloren. Du bleibst tief in meinem Herzen. Deine Sanni

– Sanni  (31. October 2024 16:22)

“Jeff, your warmth and openness will be deeply missed. We know you’re up there, jamming with the great jazz man in the sky. The rhythm of your life has left us all with a lasting feeling that will not be forgotten. There are no words to describe the loss felt by your family, but if karma exists, you are surely blessed wherever you are now.”

– Luncheonette Team  (31. October 2024 15:58)

Dear Alpert-Family, our condolences go out to you, our thoughts and prayers are with you in these hard times. We were blessed by Jeff's Cheesecake for our wedding. It was unforgettable to us. My father picked up the cheesecake and forgot the dulce de leche that Jeff especially made to my husband's utter delight. Of course my father drove back half way and picked it up. Every time we have cheesecake now, we have a very fond memory of our wedding day and of course best thoughts of Jeff. Sending all the best wishes!

– Maya Friedrichsen  (31. October 2024 15:51)

Liebe Nicola, Collin und Justin, ich sende euch mein herzliches Beileid zum Tode deines lieben Mannes und eures Vaters. Obwohl wir uns schon eine Ewigkeit nicht mehr gesehen haben, ist Jeff mit seiner warmherzigen Art, seinem Humor und seinem musikalischem Können lebendig in meiner Erinnerung und wird so auch in meinem Herzen bleiben. Meine Gedanken sind in dieser schweren Zeit bei euch.

– Nena Schmidt  (31. October 2024 13:41)

Jeff, your a big heart will be missing. Every single time and I think of you the first thing that shows up is this big heart of yours. It will stay with me is a gift of life. There are so many memories, so many shared moments that that enriched me with many others deeply. Thank you, my dear brother

– Thomas Steininger  (31. October 2024 12:25)

As the father of one of my closest friends, I got to experience Jeffs affectionate and positive personality at more than a couple of different occasions. Back in my school days he gave me the opportunity to accompany his brass band as a photographer during a trip through China. To this day the memories of the fun we had during this unforgettable adventure and all the great performances his band gave, not just there but throughout most of my school years, are still deeply stuck with me. And yes, the cheesecakes he baked really were the best out there. He will stay in my memory as one of the most welcoming, kind and passionate souls out there. All the strength in the world to his family. <3

– Nikolas J.  (31. October 2024 12:04)

Like Rafa, I met Jeff in July 2024 when we played our first concert together in the café. I was instantly struck by his kind and warm-hearted nature, he was deeply caring about his fellow musicians and I very much enjoyed making music with him. It was a pleasure to have known him in this short but very memorable time. Sending lots of love and strength to his family and friends. Rest in peace, Jeff.

– Roz Macdonald  (31. October 2024 10:59)

I, too, was just a delighted cheesecake customer from the early (?) days in Flottbek, but as his cheesecakes weren't simply cheesecakes, buying from him didn't feel like simply buying from him. He was such a radiant, calm, kind and warm appearance to me. Always such a joy to see and have a chat with. I'm so deeply sorry for your loss, and reading all your posts here, I feel again touched and inspired, by his story and his presence in the world. What an honor that I got to meet him while he was here. All the best to all of you.

– Daniela  (31. October 2024 10:25)

The first thing that comes to mind when I think of Jeff are the early mornings we got up together to go to the Isemarkt to sell cheesecake. No matter how early it was, Jeff always managed to create a good atmosphere. You just felt comfortable around him. In addition to the cheesecake, I remember his passion for music. Whether it was at the Christianeum, where he was able to put a smile on every student's face, or at our street parties, where he and his band provided the right musical accompaniment. Whenever I ran into Jeff at the Christianeum during my school days, I was proud to know that he was my neighbor and that I was the only one who could call him Jeff instead of Mr. Alpert because I had known him for so long. Words are not enough to describe what an incredibly great person Jeff was! He is a huge loss to everyone who knew him. He was a joyful person, companion, role model, friend and father. My condolences and lots of strength go to the family and all relatives ❤️

– Justus Baumbach  (31. October 2024 10:01)

I've known Jeff for so long I can't even remember a life in Germany without him. Having a native New Yorker friend, who was a musician, made him a very special person in my life. He was one of the most wonderful souls I've ever come across in my lifetime. A dedicated family man, a kick boxer, a teacher, a multi-talented musician, a cheesecake business builder, a hiker, a spiritual being, and a true friend. It was so nice to have created music with him and also have him and his family as a part of our Christmas sing-a-longs. To have him here was like having a family away from home and all of us will miss him dearly. He will live on in all of our hearts and we are so lucky to have known him.

– Eva Keretic  (31. October 2024 09:54)

I met Jeff in 2013 when we were both working at ISH. His smile, kind voice, and attentive nature always struck me. In October of 2013, I found out he makes cheesecake, and I was pregnant with my firstborn, and this was the first year away from home. I asked him if he makes pumpkin cheesecake. I wanted a piece of Boston. He said, no, not yet, but I will. He made the cake for me. He didn't have to do that, and I don't think he knew how much that meant to me in such a difficult time. Since then, I would see him, and every time, it was as if 11 years had not passed, greeting me and now my two kids with a big smile and hug. Jeff, thank you for your kindness, thoughtfulness and warmth. Rest easy. Heaven gained a beautiful angel.

– Makia Matheis  (31. October 2024 08:16)

Nicola, Collin and Justin, meine aufrichtige Anteilnahme. Viel Kraft 🙏♥️

– Pascale  (31. October 2024 08:06)

Adieu Jeff! We both know that death is not "the end"... Your wonderful soul travels further... and you are closer to us than ever. We met in Munich 1992, I think. You came to live in my apartment and occupied my daughter's room... together with Gurdjieff and your Vibraphone. What an amazing experience! I loved the sound of your instrument. Gurdjieff (name of a russian spiritual master) was such a pleasant dog (placide et calme). I organised a concert in "die Unterfahrt" (Jazz Lokal) in Munich, only you and your Vibraphone. Successfull. Unfortunately you could not really "Fuss fassen" in Munich... Aber dort hast Du Nicola kennen gelernt. Sie studierte gerade in München. Du hast Dich in sie verliebt... und wie! Als sie beschloss nach Hamburg zurückzukehren, bist Du mitgegangen, keine Frage! Wir haben uns dann aus den Augen verloren... aber Du bliebst unvergessen. Pascale et Fanny, les françaises de Munich. Avec tout notre amour .

– Pascale  (31. October 2024 07:57)

He made the best cheesecakes in the world. That’s not an exaggeration. I remember him in the pop-up cafe he had for a while on Eppendorfer Landstraße. A kind and generous soul. Farewell

– Anonymous  (31. October 2024 07:22)

I toured with Jeff in Europe in the 90s with the musical 42nd street . I was The shows drummer so we bonded as the percussion team and having many friends in common back home . He was always focused , passionate and serious about music . Always working on perfecting his craft and evolving . I was so impressed how he worked hard and became an excellent Jazz vibraphonist . I Loved playing local jam sessions with him while on tour . Jeff was also famous for always having his beloved dog Gurdjieff at his side. The dog was the orchestra mascot . We always loved hearing him slurp water during the shows quieter moments . He would always lie at Jeff’s feet under the timpani. Never startled by the volume . And Jeff , a big man could played very aggressively when it was musically appropriate . One memorable show Gurdjieff wondered over to the trumpet section. I will never forget noticing how They were petting his head while playing . Suddenly this loud unison trumpet blast startled the dog. And Right in a silent moment the dog let out a huge howl. The show ended and the bows music began . The conductor and entire orchestra were rolling with laughter and the music sounding like it. It was a hysterical mess. Front row audience members were laughing and looking into the pot . Jeff however was mortified . He grabbed the dogs collar and quickly ran him out of the orchestra pit. Months later we were in Munich. Once again out of the blue , yet in the exact same moment at the very end of the show , the trumpets hit that unison note . And right in the silence Gurdjieff howled again !! It was amazing . Our sound man said he got it on tape. I never heard it . R.I.P. Jeff who is together with his beloved dog . XXOO My heart goes out to Nikola Oliver and Collin

– Jon Berger  (31. October 2024 06:11)

I've known Jeff since July 2024 and we've played a total of 3 concerts together in his Café. He was always so incredibly warm and generous... His excitement about music together and getting back to playing more jazz was very contagious and I cherished every second we shared making music and talking about life. He was an amazing vibraphone player with a big and generous sound. There were so many tunes that we still wanted to play together, music that we wanted to work on... the last thing we played was "Crystal Silence" from Chick Corea. He played it so beautifully, tenderly.. it will forever be on my mind. It was a blessing to meet him. I pray with all my heart for his soul and for his family in this moment. (This photo was taken from our last concert. A rainy day. 27.9.2024. Credits to Nils Jöhnk)

– Rafa Müller  (31. October 2024 04:44)

I am very shocked by Jeff's sudden death, as I had only recently met him at the Eat&Style in Hamburg and had a short conversation with him about his café in the city park! Jeff was an asset to the Fuhlsbüttler weekly market, where I first discovered his delicious cheesecakes. My deepest sympathy goes out to his family during this difficult time. R.I.P. Jack 🖤

– Kristin Knesebeck  (31. October 2024 03:40)

I’m a friend of Jeff’s sister Kim. My deepest condolences to all of Jeff’s friends and family

– Tim R  (31. October 2024 03:24)

Surrounded by love.

– Ellen & Bill  (31. October 2024 02:56)

This one is tough. This kind of thing doesn't usually broadside me like this time... When I moved to Stowe first in 1987, I was very alone. I knew no one, had no work, no house, no gigs...nothing. I started teaching on the mountain immediately (it was late Fall when I arrived) which helped me meet people - but I really was very much on my own in so many ways - especially musically. I was a guy studying and performing Jazz at clubs in NYC and just having won record of the year for a project I produced for Sony. I moved up here to get away from all things NYC - and so many things superficial. I was 28. But upon arrival I felt very much out of place - and in a musical Sahara. I lived at the end of a dirt road...would teach skiing in the daytime and would practice at home most nights. And then I was introduced to this tall guy that taught up there too - a snowboarder. A guy with a constant grin. I found that he played vibraphone...jazz. OMG what a find. And he played the SHIT out of it. Baadass. We started to hang. Worlds of possibilities opened up for both of us - it seemed he, too, needed to connect with a like-mind... I played with him so many times at so many venues here over the years - Blue Moon, Trapps at times, every bar in town...special events...but especially at Whiskers where we played a few times per week...for years. Other gigs - the BDJF for years...trios with Clyde...just tons of work and tons of fun. Over the years our friendship developed - when we were both living here, he was my best friend. A funny, SMART and big hearted man that had nothing in him but good things and kindness, good deeds...a true 'good guy' - one of the best I have ever known. He moved to Berlin (Germany) years ago, got opened his own business selling American style cheesecake - a successful business in fact...and continued to play music...we occasionally spoke or would hang when he was here - but thankfully kept in touch... Today I heard that my main man, Jeff Alpert passed of heart failure. Out of nowhere. So...all that crap about keeping in touch with friends? About living each day to the utmost? About love? About human connection? You fucking better pay attention - or I'll end up missing you, too. Truly the meaning of 'saudade', I guess. Long memories of Jeff...too many to count...I hear his voice and see his face. I hope that continues. When you lose someone, talk about them a lot. It is all you have left that constitutes a connection and a visit. Jeff will always be a huge part of my Vermont experience - my musical experience...I learned so much about compassion, empathy, listening and love from Jeff. Adios, amigo...

– George Walker Petit  (31. October 2024 00:59)

Jeff and I worked together in Stowe Vt in 1987 teaching music at the Elementary school. We kept in touch ever since then. I’m shocked and saddened by this news. He was a wonderful, kind person and an amazing musician. I will miss him so! My deepest condolences to his wife and children, family and close friends. Rest in Peace Jeff. Love you!! 💔

– Jane Bouffard Lambert  (31. October 2024 00:37)

I sent this and another photo to Jeff about 4 years ago during one of your travels to the states. We were good childhood friends in New Rochelle, who got reacquainted thanks to Facebook. It was truly a joy to get to know him again. We message each other every now and again. I had trained in Escrima for years and sometimes we’d chat about that, or about trying to see him on one of his trips out west in the States. And Jeff was incredibly encouraging to my son, who is a percussionist. And In true keeping of his spirit, Jeff watched over streaming, my son’s senior college recital. I am so terribly saddened by his passing, and thinking of you all at this very difficult time.

– Mike Corwin  (31. October 2024 00:02)

I first met Jeff in Hamburg at his cheesecake truck at the Fuhlsbuettel market. A friend of mine who knew that I was absolutely into cheesecakes urged me to try Jeff's cheesecakes. And oh boy did Jeff deliver. Over the years I became a regular customer of Jeff and when he had the time, we talked about so many topics from music education for kids to what differentiates his cheesecakes from others (actually makes his better than theirs). I will remember Jeff for giving awesome advice on how we could support our young son with his music and singing ambitions or general advice on what is important when raising or working with kids. My memories of Jeff and I am sure the awesome boys he has raised are testament for him being a remarkable and talented human being. I am sending good thoughts and energy to his whole family and wish his sons best of luck for keeping the business running. I will for sure be there again very soon and support as a regular customer in whatever way I can. Rest in peace, Jeff. Thank you for your advices, smiles and cakes - Sascha.

– Sascha Pollok  (30. October 2024 23:38)

Jeff basically recruited me to play in his brass band when I was in sixth grade. I was able to spend six unforgettable years of my school days with him as the leader of our band. I will never forget our performances in the Christianeum, our Advent concerts in the Hamburger Michel, the performances in the Fabrik, the rehearsal trips to Scheersberg, but above all the brass band trip to China in May 2017. Jeff has always managed to put his heart into our music performances while giving others the spotlight. He showed me the love for jazz music and his stories of courage, strength, passion and kindness will forever inspire me. I am grateful to have met him. Big hug to his family and friends. :))

– Julius J.  (30. October 2024 23:31)

Many times after school when we were attending Clinton we hang out at Jeff’s house. We would have the best time, playing games, listening to music, or just shooting the breeze. His mom would have old style seltzer bottles with noodles (like in slapstick comedies) in the house. Of course, like the juvenile delinquents we were, we would spritz each other with them. Once we had an all out seltzer battle totally drenching the apartment. It is still one of my favorite memories from youth. Jeff was the nicest, chillest dude. I already miss him. 💜

– Peter Trump  (30. October 2024 23:28)

I met Jeff roughly 10 years ago at the international school - we never worked there at the same time but he brought in cheesecake for teacher appreciation week and since then I ordered cheesecakes for birthdays or various celebrations. When I was living in Eppendorf I would regularly see him at the market. We would chat about his father that lived in Las Vegas (my hometown), and he was always asking about my kids. When my kids were with me he was always so happy to see them and would tell me stories about when his boys were little. His positive energy, big smile and open heart will be deeply missed. Rest easy Jeff 🧡

– Anna  (30. October 2024 23:28)

We met long time in a special environment with hundreds around, you will be missed in our memory, and it's a shock to hear you passed away from the world ; we could follow you throught images of your journeys, of your life, your beautiful family, your work and happiness in and around music. You were a lively and clever person. Rest in peace Jeff, keep following your own thread, love and peaceful rest.

– Françoise Lautard  (30. October 2024 23:21)

I am so sad and shocked to hear this news. He was a wonderful man in so many ways. I remember asking him at the International School if he would start a program for students to be able to try out different instruments in an Instrumental Karosall which he then went ahead and fully organised, implemented into a fantastic program. He was always so gentle and kind and I will remember also his huge talent. Will be very missed.

– Fiona Krebs  (30. October 2024 22:50)

This photo is the last meet up I had with Jeff several years ago in Frankfurt. We spent many summers making music together in Oneonta, NY. He was one of those “music camp” friends that you make for life. We hadn’t seen each other for years, but as soon as we did, no time seemed to have passed at all. He was easy to make laugh, and he laughed a lot. There is an empty space in so many hearts today. Rest in peace, Jimmy Jam.

– Perry Orfanella  (30. October 2024 22:48)

Jeff was integral in the beginning of my teaching at the college level. With his recommendation and encouragement I acquired the drum instructor position at Johnson State College, ( now Northern Vermont University). I am eternally grateful for his kindness, superb musicianship, humor, and friendship. May he rest in peace.❤️🎶🥁

– Jeff Salisbury  (30. October 2024 22:43)

Jeff und ich kannten uns schon viele Jahre. Wir trafen uns immer wieder bei musikalischen Gelegenheiten und auch darüber hinaus. Sein Tod kam plötzlich, unerwartet und viel zu früh. Er wird mir unvergesslich bleiben. Das Foto ist vom Jahr 2006 aus dem Münchener Herkulessal von einem unserer Filmmusiktouren.

– Alexander Radziewski  (30. October 2024 22:43)

Jeff was such a friendly, funny, hardworking and loving guy who, we “simple customers” could see, loved his family, business and most importantly, life. Jeff's life was an example of how something so "simple" as a Cheesecake, made with so much love, grace and passion, can positively impact lives forever. Thanks for playing a special part during my journey in Germany. I will miss you, man!

– Daniel  (30. October 2024 22:42)

Jeff und ich kannten uns schon viele Jahre. Wir trafen uns immer wieder bei musikalischen Gelegenheiten und auch darüber hinaus. Sein Tod kam plötzlich, unerwartet und viel zu früh. Er wird mir unvergesslich bleiben. Das Foto ist vom Jahr 2006 aus dem Münchener Herkulessal von einem unserer Filmmusiktouren.

– Alexander Radziewski  (30. October 2024 22:40)

Jeff at Hartwick College, Oneonta, New York at the New York State Music Camp. 1977. I will miss you, my friend. Rest in Peace.

– Steve Kessler  (30. October 2024 22:39)

– Anonymous  (30. October 2024 22:38)

How we do and will remember Jeff, and you with him, Nicola. Loving, fun, kind and gentle. With great sadness and you all in our thoughts, Jane and David

– Jane and David  (30. October 2024 14:51)

Jeff, we will miss you so much and we are heartbroken for your family who lost you too soon. In our minds, you are always the young guy we first met in Paris where we were all out for a big life adventure. So much fun and laughter. Always kind, always smiling. So many good memories.

– Jane Skinner  (29. October 2024 18:00)

Jeff, my friend, my brother, you were kind, generous, caring, creative, determined and so much more. You lived an ocean away and yet seemed always to be near. You did well to live a full life and to realize your dreams. You have gone too soon my friend. I’ll miss your smile and your laugh.

– John Bauer  (28. October 2024 15:51)

Nothing prepares you for losing your big brother too soon. I am devastated by this loss but heartened by his memory, music and how many around the world he touched.

– Kim Alpert  (27. October 2024 16:43)

I lost Jeff, whom I loved and who loved me, who gave me warmth and gentle strength, who made me laugh and who was by my side for 30 years. I lost my sons’ amazing father, I lost the kindest person I know who I could face anything with. I am heartbroken.

– Nicola Byok  (27. October 2024 15:54)